Simple Fast Way To be Electric RC Plane Flyer

Simple Fast Way To be Electric RC Plane Flyer - You've been flying an electric RC plane for several months and you're feeling much more confident. Though still a beginner, even your instructor says you're doing really well. So you're probably itching to try a crazy stunt or two. Don't. Slow and steady as she goes. Keep improving your judgment and adjustments to develop balanced flying habits. A stall, loop, or nose dive may seem to begging to come out of your transmitter, but first you must learn calm control in all situations.

Simple Fast Way To be Electric RC Plane Flyer

Something you can practice to fine tune your adjustments is tweaking your controls. Get the plane flying level around treetop height (not near trees of course), and see if it drifts left or right, sinks or rises. If you don't have a professional to do this for you, adjust the set screw on each lever until the electric RC plane flies steady and true in neutral position. Only do slight adjustments and watch to see if you've corrected the problem.

You'll want to look out for two confusing situations with your electric RC plane: overhead flying and far away flying. When the aircraft goes over your head you will misjudge what it is doing because you have no perspective. Keep the machine out enough away from yourself that you can see it without craning or straining. If the craft gets too far away to see it clearly, you could get into trouble trying to over compensate. Watch carefully also when the airplane is coming back toward you, as now your left will be right and vice versa. It may help to turn and watch the approaching plane over your shoulder to keep everything in perspective.

Even if your instructor has given his blessing for you to fly on your own, that doesn't mean you're ready for 3D stunts. Listen to your instructor and wait until he suggests you're skilled enough to try riskier maneuvers. Remember, all good things come to those who wait and the electric RC plane you save may be your own! Simple Fast Way To be Electric RC Plane Flyer

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