RC Plane Parts Tips For Beginners

RC Plane Parts Tips For Beginners - Getting to know the different RC plane parts is the first step you should take if you want to enter this fascinating world of RC plane flying. This is important because RC aircraft come in different shapes and sizes. Learning about the different kinds of RC airplanes and getting to know the basics of RC plane parts will help in choosing your plane much easier.

RC Plane Parts Tips For Beginners

But these are just the basics. The more and more you fly, you will get to know more about the advanced models available.

Nose The nose is in the front of the remote controlled airplane. The very front of it is often referred to as the nose cone because of its shape. It is a part of the fuselage and before the wings. The propeller in some RC airplane models is attached to the nose. Beginners tend to crash their planes initially quite often and this is one of the RC plane parts which gets damaged frequently.

Fuselage In a real aircraft, the main body which comprises of the engine, cockpit, the passenger seats, the galley and the cargo hold is the fuselage. In a RC airplane, the fuselage comprises of all the mechanics involved for flying the plane. The fuselage houses the electric motor, batteries and the wiring. The very basic models of RC aircraft have just a straight rod or stick as the fuselage.

Wings One of the major RC plane parts is the wings. The RC aircraft wing comes in different shapes. The most common are straight wings, though some wings are curved, rounded, triangular and elliptical. The wing could also have different configurations. The monoplane as it is called has a single wing. Most beginner RC planes are monoplanes. These wings could also be placed in different positions in a plane. The three different positions are the High wing, Low Wing and the Mid Wing. The other kind of RC flying machine is the bi-Planes. Here the model has two wings.

Tail The tail as the name conveys is at the back of the RC aircraft. This part also is found in different shapes. The most common is the T-tail, while you could have a V-Tail or flat tail too.

Propeller The propeller is another RC part which dictates the motion of the airplane. They could be attached to the nose, wing or even the tail. The number of propellers in the plane depends on the model it is. You could have a single propeller or dual propeller airplane.

You're just starting out this is all you really need to know about RC plane parts. As you get more experience, you will naturally ask a lot more questions and get to know many more details of RC plane parts. And if you join a local airplane club, there will be many helpful hobbyists around who'll be happy to answer any question you may have about RC Plane Parts Tips For Beginners.

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